Arithmetic operations using arithmetic symbols
Arithmetic operations using arithmetic symbols : The program to perform the arithmetic operation using arithmetic symbols is given in the post below: Code: // Arithmetic Operations using characters #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; char option; cout << "Enter 1st No = "; cin >> a; cout << "Enter 2nd No = "; cin >> b; cout << "For Sum Press + \n" << "For Subtraction Press -\n" << "For Multiplication Press *\n" << "For Division Press /\n"; cin >> option; if (option == '+') { cout << "Sum = " << a + b<<endl; } else if (option== '-') { cout << "Subtraction = " << a - b<<endl; } else if (option== '*') { cout << "Multiplication = " << a * b<<endl; }...